This Annex presents the methodology utilised in the bioaccumulation
assessment and the results. The product
of this assessment is concentrations of contaminants of concern in seafood.
The objective of the bioaccumulation
assessment is to predict the likely concentrations of Contaminants of Concern
(COCs) in selected animals due to contaminant exposure through disposal
operations at the proposed facilities at either South Brothers or East of Sha
Contamination in aquatic ecosystems
has become one of the major environmental concerns worldwide. COCs are released from point sources to
river/estuarine and coastal waters as a result of increased
industrialization. Sediment is a
potentially important source of COC for the overlying water, due to sediment
resuspension (contributing to the particulate load) or sediment remobilization
and diagenesis (contributing to the dissolved load). Once in the water column, COCs are then partitioned between the
dissolved and particulate phases and this is controlled by
adsorption/desorption and precipitation/dissolution. Many physico-chemical and biological factors (e.g., particle
type/concentration, salinity, dissolved organic carbon concentration, and
biological uptake) can influence the partitioning in the water column. Thus,
COCs can become available to marine benthic invertebrates through uptake from
the dissolved phase and ingestion of suspended particles and sediments.
The bioaccumulation of COC’s in
aquatic organisms has received extensive attention over the last several
decades because toxicity is dependent on their accumulation. The bioavailability is defined as the
fraction of total COC in the environment that is available for accumulation in
organisms. Many factors can control COC
bioavailability, including the biological characteristics of the organisms
(e.g., assimilation, feeding rate and pattern, size/age, and reproductive
condition) and the geochemistry of the COC (e.g., contaminant partitioning in
the water column and speciation).
Further, these can be influenced by physico-chemical factors, such as
temperature, salinity, dissolved organic carbon (DOC) concentration, and total
suspended solids load (TSS).
Generally there are two approaches
to predict pollutant concentrations in aquatic organisms (Landrum et al. 1992,
Luoma and Fisher 1997):
partitioning equilibrium (EqP); and
kinetic modeling.
The approaches are well developed
and have been used in the development of water quality criteria and sediment
quality criteria in the US and elsewhere (i.e. using the equilibrium
partitioning method and the bioconcentration factor to predict the
concentrations in aquatic organisms) (Connell DW 1989; EPA 2000). The approach has been applied to the
situation in southern China where marine organisms are exposed to contaminated
sediment (Wang et al. 2002) and is thus applicable and relevant to the Hong
Kong situation. Although there has been no experimental
validation of
these models in the Hong Kong context,
the Trophic
Trace model which
is a comparable bioconcentration
modelling tool, is endorsed by the USEPA
and the US Army Corps of Engineers and is an internationally
accepted standard for modelling bioconcentration in
aquatic and marine environments (ERDC, 2003). The approach adopted here is therefore considered appropriate and
scientifically valid.
The EqP approach assumes only one
phase (waterborne) of uptake and a constant exposure. Mathematically, this can be expressed by:
BCF = C/Cw (1)
Where BCF is the
COC bioconcentration factor (L g-1); C is the COC concentration (mg g-1)
in the animals; and Cw is the COC concentration in the dissolved
phase (mg L-1). Thus, the likely concentration of COC in the
animals due to uptake of desorbed COC can be directly calculated by:
C = BCF * Cw (2)
A more complicated EqP model has
been developed for sediment quality criteria by assuming equilibrium
partitioning of chemicals (mainly non-ionic organic) among the aqueous phase,
sediment and organisms (Di Toro et al. 1991).
Sediments in aquatic systems presently contain large amounts of
contaminants and can be a potentially significant source for COC accumulation
in benthic fauna. Correlations based on
sediment concentration are now viewed as better predictors of tissue residues
than predictions based on water (Di Toro et al. 1991). This approach is normally exploited by normalizing chemical
concentrations based on the lipid content of organisms and the organic carbon
content of sediments. Thus the
biota-sediment accumulation factor (BSAF) can be calculated by:
BSAF = Ca(l)/Cs(c) (3)
where, Ca(l)
is the chemical concentration in the animals normalized to their lipid content,
Cs(c) is the chemical concentration in sediments normalized to
organic carbon content. These BSAF
values are considered to be independent of the type of sediments (Thomann et
al. 1995).
Kinetic models are required for
non-steady state, non-equilibrium accumulation due to varying exposure in the
field. Such an approach is not
constrained by assuming constant exposure/thermodynamic equilibrium. Landrum et al. (1992) reviewed various
kinetic models used in aquatic systems and hazard assessments, including the
physiologically-based pharmacokinetic model (PBPK) and bioenergetic-based
toxicokinetic model (BE). BE models
describe toxicant accumulation and loss in terms of an animals’ energy
requirements and usually treat the animal as a single compartment (Landrum et
al. 1992).
Assuming that the COC is accumulated
only from the water, the accumulation of COC can be described by a simple
kinetic equation:
dC/dt = ku*Cw - ke*C (4)
where C is the
COC concentration in the animals at time t; ku is the uptake rate
constant from the dissolved phase; ke is the efflux rate constant (d-1). Under steady-state condition, C can be
directly calculated as:
C = ku*Cw /ke (5)
In this model, the BCF can similarly
be calculated as:
BCF = ku /ke (6)
For sediment-ingesting animals, the
accumulation of COC can be similarly modeled using the kinetic equation:
dC/dt = AE*IR*Cs - ke*C (7)
Where AE is the
COC assimilation efficiency from the ingested sediment, IR is the ingestion
rate (g g-1 d-1); Cs is the COC concentration
in the ingested sediment (mg g-1). Under steady-state condition, C can be
directly calculated as:
C = AE*IR*Cs /ke (8)
Thus, to assess
the possible COC accumulation (due to desorption from sediments) by the
bivalves and fish, parameters required in the modeling calculation are the BCFs
or the uptake rate constant ku, efflux rate constant ke,
and COC concentrations in the water. To
assess the possible COC accumulation by sediment- ingesting animals, parameters
required in the modeling calculation are the assimilation efficiency (AE),
ingestion rate (IR) of the animals, COC concentration in the sediment (Cs),
and efflux rate constant ke.
If these parameters are not available for the animals, another approach
will be to use the BSAF, as described in Eq. 3.
To further predict the COC
concentration in the predators, the trophic transfer factor (TTF) needs to be
= Cn-1 x TTF (9)
Where Cn is the COC
concentration in the predator, and Cn-1 is the COC concentration in
the prey.
The bioaccumulation assessment is
based on the water quality modeling simulation of the release (i.e.,
desorption) of pollutants from the sediments disturbed during disposal. The COCs investigated are those used in the
water quality modeling.
There are a lack of bioaccumulation
and bioconcentration factors available in the literature for TBT and it is
therefore not included in the Risk Assessment.
This limitation does not limit the conservative nature of the assessment
because background levels of TBT in sediment and dredged materials around the
East of Sha Chau area are generally undetectable or very low. This statement is backed up by monitoring
data collected at CMPIV since 1997 which has consistently recorded TBT in
sediment and tissue samples below levels of concern.
There are two possible pathways for
the accumulation of contaminants due to sediment resuspension: (1) desorption
of contaminants into the water column following sediment resuspension followed
by uptake from the water; and (2) ingestion of contaminated sediments. Thus, the selection of species for
assessment is based on the availability of parameters to quantify the exposure
pathways as well as the ecological significance. They can be separated into the following feeding groups:
1. Pelagic
fish – to assess the potential uptake of desorbed contaminants in the water
2. A
filter-feeding bivalve – to assess the potential uptake of desorbed
contaminants in overlying waters and from contaminated sediments;
3. A
deposit-feeding worm (polychaete or sipunculan) - to assess the potential
uptake of contaminants from sediment ingestion; and
4. Predatory
fish, crab and shrimp that specifically prey on the above animals.
The selection of the species under
these feeding groups is based on available literature and experience in
bioaccumulation assessment. Where
possible, local species are selected.
There have been a number of studies on the bioaccumulation of COCs in
local species such as green mussels, clams, sea bream and mangrove snapper
(fish). However, there is a lack of
information on the uptake of contaminants by local polychaete species, but
studies on other deposit-feeding invertebrates such as the sipunculans are
available. Where data gaps appear,
information is supplemented with reference to international studies. It should be noted that, where no
information is available on the uptake of the COCs in marine organisms within
either local or international literature, an assessment of bioaccumulation
potential of this parameter is not possible.
In the later risk assessment work that has been conducted ambient values
have been substituted where these data gaps occur.
Concentrations of the COCs in water
(dissolved phase) and in sediment are determined from the results of the water
quality modeling.
Contaminants adsorbed to sediment
particles can be expected to either remain adsorbed to the sediment, settling
or dispersing in direct proportion to suspended sediment concentrations, or
desorb from the sediment particles and enter solution.
of the partition coefficients (Kd) have been determined. The majority of the Kd vales have been
derived from the Chemical Database developed by the Dutch Ministry for
Transport, Public Works and Water Management with the remainder taken from the
Kellett Bank EIA and the East Sha Chau CMP IV EIA. For the organic compounds the P value is related to Total Organic
Carbon (TOC) rather than Total Particulate Matter (TPM). In those cases a reference ratio TOC:TPM
needs to be used. Since this ratio is
highly variable both in space and in time, it is proposed to derive this value
from the model output, rather than to prescribe a value. The selected P values are shown in Table 0.1Table
1.1Table 1.1Table 1.1.
01.11.1 Partitioning Coefficients
Utilised in the Bioaccumulation Assessment
Pollutant |
Kd |
Unit |
UCEL Max. sediment conc. |
Unit |
Arsenic |
130 |
l/g |
42 |
mg/kg |
Cadmium |
100 |
l/g |
4 |
mg/kg |
Chromium |
290 |
l/g |
160 |
mg/kg |
Copper |
122 |
l/g |
110 |
mg/kg |
Lead |
130 |
l/g |
110 |
mg/kg |
Mercury |
700 |
l/g |
1 |
mg/kg |
Nickel |
40 |
l/g |
40 |
mg/kg |
Silver (1) |
200 |
l/g |
2 |
mg/kg |
Zinc |
100 |
l/g |
270 |
mg/kg |
Total PCB's |
1585 |
l/gOC |
180 |
ug/kg |
0.075 |
l/g |
3.16 |
mg/kg |
1.14 |
l/g |
9.6 |
mg/kg |
= 0.012 gOC/g (1) Wen LS, Santschi PH, Paternostro CL,
Lehman RD, 1997. Colloidal and
particulate silver in river and estuarine waters of Texas. Environ Sci Technol 31: 723-731. |
The data on SS
values have been taken from the modelling works. The input data for SS are determined as the depth averaged value
within an area 400 m from the modelled pit boundary. The 400 m value is taken from the review of environmental
monitoring data, which have indicated that the majority of the previous
monitoring programmes regarded the “impact” area to be from 400m of the pit
boundary. The SS data were taken from
the worse case backfilling scenarios, those involving the use of trailer
dredgers, which makes the assessment conservative. For South Brothers this value was 1.41 mg L-1 and for
East of Sha Chau 2.84 mg L-1.
Average values have been used in the assessment because the risk work,
presented in Annex C, focuses on chronic risk and not acute. The use of maximum SS levels would bring an
unwarranted level of conservativeness to this assessment, which would result in
misleading results.
Application of the Kd values to the
SS values results in the dissolved concentrations listed in Table 0.3Table
1.3Table 1.3Table 1.3.
Table 01.31.2 Dissolved Concentrations of
COCs (µg L-1)
Parameter |
East of
Sha Chau |
South Brothers |
Arsenic |
0.016 |
0.008 |
Cadmium |
0.00114 |
0.00056 |
Chromium |
0.132 |
0.065 |
Copper |
0.038 |
0.019 |
Lead |
0.041 |
0.020 |
Mercury |
0.00199 |
0.00099 |
Nickel |
0.005 |
0.002 |
Silver (1) |
0.00114 |
0.00056 |
Zinc |
0.077 |
0.038 |
Total PCB's |
0.00001 |
0.000005 |
0.000001 |
0.0000003 |
0.00003 |
0.00002 |
The water quality modeling provides
estimates of sediment deposition in and around the pits. Although Kd values have been used to
determine desorption for the purposes of the sediment ingestion assessment it
was assumed that 0% of contaminants desorb.
Such and assumption indicates that the bioaccumulation assessment is
inherently conservative.
Following a similar approach to that
for determining average SS values across the “impact area” adjacent to the pits
the average rate of sediment deposition was determined. This value was then fed into a series of
equations, which are detailed in Table 1.5. The end result of the calculations was a series of values for COC
elevation in sediment in the South Brothers and East of Sha Chau areas..
Table 01.51.3
for Predicting Increase in Sediment Concentrations of COCs (example is Nickel)
Nickel |
South Brothers |
East of Sha Chau |
Rate (SS) |
kg/m2/day1 |
A |
0.0480 |
0.0735 |
in Disposal Material (UCEL) |
mg/kg |
B |
40 |
40 |
Depth |
M |
C |
0.1 |
0.1 |
of Sediment |
m3 |
D |
0.1 |
0.1 |
Density of Sediment |
kg/m3 |
E |
750 |
750 |
Sediment Concentration |
mg/kg |
F |
18.27 |
18.27 |
situ Sediment Mass (kg) |
x E = G |
75 |
75 |
situ Nickel Mass (mg) |
x F = H |
1370.25 |
1370.25 |
of Nickel (mg m2 day) |
x B = I |
2.7116 |
2.94 |
1 In situ Nickel Mass mg |
+ I = J |
1372.962 |
1373.19 |
1 In situ Nickel Concentration (mg/kg) |
= K |
18.30615 |
18.3092 |
Disposal Days (14Mm3 = 26,700m3/d) |
L |
524 |
524 |
of Nickel over Facility Lifetime (mg/m2) |
x I = M |
1006.92 |
1540.56 |
in situ Nickel Mass (COC) mg |
+ H = N |
2377.17 |
2910.81 |
situ Lifetime Sediment Mass (kg) |
kg |
(L*A)+G=P |
100.173 |
113.514 |
in Volume |
m3 |
= Q |
0.133564 |
0.151352 |
in Height |
cm |
Q/1m/1m=R |
0.133564 |
0.151352 |
Lifetime In situ Nickel Concentration (mg/kg) |
mg/kg |
23.73 |
25.64 |
In assessing COC bioaccumulation by
the marine fish, it is assumed that the COCs are predominantly accumulated from
the dissolved phase and uptake from the sediment particles is negligible. COCs in the dissolved phase originate from
desorption from the resuspended sediments (with 100% desorption). Two approaches are therefore used to predict
the likely COC concentrations in marine fish, including the BCF approach and
the kinetic approach. For the BCF
approach, the COC concentration is directly calculated as the BCF times the
desorbed COC concentration using Eq. 2.
The mean BCFs of metals (Cr, Pb and Ni) are referred from International
Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA, 2000). For
other metals, the BCF is calculated by the kinetic equation (Eq. 6) with known
uptake rate constant ku and efflux rate constant ke from
the local fish species (mangrove snappers, sweetlips and seabreams) (Xu and
Wang 2002, Wang and Wong 2003, Long and Wang submitted). The BCF of Cu is calculated from the field
data of Gibbs and Miskowicz (1995).
Using these two approaches, the
calculated COC concentrations in the fish as a result of uptake of desorbed
metals are shown in Table 2.2, together with the BCFs used in the
calculations. Ambient concentrations
have been calculated from a review of biota data collected in reference areas
between 1997 and 2000 as part of the biomonitoring programme under the CMPIV
monitoring programmes (Table 2.1) (ERM 2004).
Concentrations of Contaminants of Concern in Marine Biota Collected in
Reference Areas Between 1997 and 2000
Parameter |
sp |
sp |
Trypauchen vagina |
brevirostris |
Average Fish |
affinis |
ensis |
oratoria |
terebra |
Average Prawn |
(mg kg-1) |
4.11 |
2.83 |
5.15 |
1.18 |
3.05 |
2.82 |
3.32 |
4.34 |
3.30 |
3.49 |
(mg kg-1) |
0.42 |
0.03 |
0.01 |
0.01 |
0.02 |
0.02 |
0.01 |
0.90 |
0.28 |
0.31 |
(mg kg-1) |
0.10 |
0.06 |
0.05 |
0.06 |
0.05 |
0.06 |
0.05 |
0.08 |
0.50 |
0.07 |
(mg kg-1) |
15.24 |
2.63 |
2.07 |
2.25 |
2.32 |
8.72 |
7.81 |
29.09 |
33.59 |
15.21 |
(mg kg-1) |
0.14 |
0.09 |
0.16 |
0.08 |
0.11 |
0.06 |
0.12 |
0.07 |
1.20 |
0.08 |
(mg kg-1) |
0.02 |
0.02 |
0.04 |
0.03 |
0.03 |
0.01 |
0.01 |
0.02 |
0.03 |
0.01 |
(mg kg-1) |
0.29 |
0.06 |
0.04 |
0.06 |
0.05 |
0.10 |
0.11 |
0.28 |
29.81 |
0.16 |
(mg kg-1) |
0.29 |
0.03 |
0.03 |
0.03 |
0.03 |
0.05 |
0.03 |
0.57 |
1.55 |
0.22 |
(mg kg-1) |
21.30 |
4.90 |
7.52 |
14.58 |
9.00 |
13.49 |
14.13 |
23.46 |
77.40 |
17.02 |
M Wt PAHs |
25.00 |
25.00 |
25.00 |
25.00 |
25.00 |
25.00 |
25.00 |
25.00 |
25.00 |
25.00 |
M Wt PAHs |
75.00 |
75.00 |
75.00 |
75.00 |
75.00 |
75.00 |
75.00 |
75.00 |
75.00 |
75.00 |
PCBs |
4.22 |
5.50 |
2.64 |
16.94 |
8.36 |
2.35 |
1.23 |
11.18 |
4.48 |
4.92 |
2.12.1 The predicted COC
concentrations in the fish as a result of uptake of desorbed metals. The
bioconcentration factor (BCF) used in the calculations is also shown.
Metals |
Elevated concentration |
BCF (L kg-1) |
Elevated Concentration
in fish (mg kg-1) |
Ambient Concentration in
fish (mg kg-1) |
Total Concentration in
Fish (mg kg-1) |
East of
Sha Chau |
As |
0.0155064 |
350 |
0.00543 |
1.18235 |
1.188 |
Cd |
0.001136 |
200 |
0.00023 |
0.00941 |
0.010 |
Cr |
0.131776 |
200 |
0.02636 |
0.06294 |
0.089 |
Cu |
0.0381128 |
2200 |
0.08385 |
2.25471 |
2.339 |
Pb |
0.040612 |
200 |
0.00812 |
0.08382 |
0.092 |
Hg |
0.001988 |
6800 |
0.01352 |
0.03471 |
0.048 |
Ni |
0.004544 |
1000 |
0.00454 |
0.06059 |
0.065 |
Ag |
0.00548 |
500 |
0.00274 |
0.02500 |
0.028 |
Zn |
0.07668 |
700 |
0.05368 |
14.57647 |
14.630 |
0.00000067 |
1000 |
0.00000 |
0.02500 |
0.025 |
0.00003108 |
10000 |
0.00031 |
0.07500 |
0.075 |
PCBs |
0.00000972 |
100000 |
0.00097 |
0.01694 |
0.018 |
Brothers |
As |
0.00768768 |
350 |
0.00269 |
1.18235 |
1.185 |
Cd |
0.0005632 |
200 |
0.00011 |
0.00941 |
0.010 |
Cr |
0.0653312 |
200 |
0.01307 |
0.06294 |
0.076 |
Cu |
0.01889536 |
2200 |
0.04157 |
2.25471 |
2.296 |
Pb |
0.0201344 |
200 |
0.00403 |
0.08382 |
0.088 |
Hg |
0.0009856 |
6800 |
0.00670 |
0.03471 |
0.041 |
Ni |
0.0022528 |
1000 |
0.00225 |
0.06059 |
0.063 |
Ag |
0.0005632 |
500 |
0.00028 |
0.02500 |
0.025 |
Zn |
0.038016 |
700 |
0.02661 |
14.57647 |
14.603 |
0.00000033 |
1000 |
0.00000 |
0.02500 |
0.025 |
0.00001541 |
10000 |
0.00015 |
0.07500 |
0.075 |
PCBs |
0.00000482 |
100000 |
0.00048 |
0.01694 |
0.017 |
Note: BCF of Arsenic
is from EPA 1980. BCFs of Cd and Zn
from Xu and Wang (2002) and are calculated from the kinetic equation. BCF of Hg from Wang and Wong (2003) and is
calculated from the kinetic equation.
BCF of Ag from Long and Wang (submitted, Environmental Toxicology and
Chemistry) and is calculated from the kinetic equation. BCFs of Cu from Gibbs and Miskowicz
(1995). BCFs of Cr, Pb and Ni from
IAEA (2000). BCFs of PAHs and PCBs
from Veith & Kosian (1983). |
In assessing the
bioaccumulation by the bivalves, uptake from the dissolved uptake and sediment
ingestion are separately modelled. The
kinetic equation of Eq. 6 is used to predict the accumulation from the
dissolved phase as a result of COC desorption from the sediment. The ku and ke measured
in the local green mussels (Perna viridis)
are used to calculate the likely BCF.
Alternatively, the BCF is directly referred from IAEA (2000). The predicted COC concentrations in these
animals due to uptake of desorbed COCs are shown in Table 2.3.
2.32.2 The predicted COC
concentrations in the bivalves (mussels/clams) as a result of uptake of
desorbed metals. The bioconcentration
factor (BCF) used in the calculations is also shown.
Metals |
Elevated concentration |
BCF (L kg-1) |
Elevated Concentration
in Bivalve (mg kg-1) |
Ambient Concentration in
Bivalve (mg kg-1) |
Total Concentration in
Bivalve (mg kg-1) |
East of Sha Chau |
0.0155064 |
350 |
0.00543 |
3.30 |
3.305 |
0.001136 |
10000 |
0.01136 |
0.28 |
0.296 |
Cr |
0.131776 |
1000 |
0.13178 |
0.50 |
0.636 |
0.0381128 |
2000 |
0.07623 |
33.59 |
33.665 |
0.040612 |
2570 |
0.10437 |
1.20 |
1.300 |
0.001988 |
2000 |
0.00398 |
0.03 |
0.032 |
0.004544 |
2000 |
0.00909 |
29.81 |
29.822 |
0.00548 |
60000 |
0.32880 |
1.55 |
1.884 |
0.07668 |
22000 |
1.68696 |
77.40 |
79.091 |
0.00000067 |
1000 |
0.00000 |
0.03 |
0.025 |
0.00003108 |
10000 |
0.00031 |
0.08 |
0.075 |
PCBs |
0.00000972 |
100000 |
0.00097 |
0.00 |
0.005 |
South Brothers |
0.00768768 |
350 |
0.00269 |
3.30 |
3.303 |
0.0005632 |
10000 |
0.00563 |
0.28 |
0.290 |
Cr |
0.0653312 |
1000 |
0.06533 |
0.50 |
0.569 |
0.01889536 |
2000 |
0.03779 |
33.59 |
33.627 |
0.0201344 |
2570 |
0.05175 |
1.20 |
1.247 |
0.0009856 |
2000 |
0.00197 |
0.03 |
0.030 |
0.0022528 |
2000 |
0.00451 |
29.81 |
29.818 |
0.0005632 |
60000 |
0.03379 |
1.55 |
1.589 |
0.038016 |
22000 |
0.83635 |
77.40 |
78.240 |
0.00000033 |
1000 |
0.00000 |
0.03 |
0.025 |
0.00001541 |
10000 |
0.00015 |
0.08 |
0.075 |
PCBs |
0.00000482 |
100000 |
0.00048 |
0.00 |
0.005 |
Note: BCF
of Arsenic is from EPA 1980. BCFs of
Cd, Cr(VI), and Zn from Wang (2003), calculated from the kinetic equation
(Eq. 6). To convert the BCF of Cr(VI) to Cr(III), it is assumed that the
uptake of Cr(III) is 3 times lower than the uptake of Cr(VI) (Wang et al.
1997). BCF of Ag from Wang et al.
(1996) calculated from the kinetic equation (Eq. 6). BCFs of other metals (Cu, Pb, Hg, Ni) from
IAEA (2000). BCFs of PAHs and PCBs
from Pruell et al. (1987). |
Similar to marine bivalves ingesting
sediments, the accumulation of COCs by the deposit-feeding polychaetes and
other worms such as sipunculans is also predicted using the kinetic equation
(Eq. 8). However, the AE of COCs has
been measured only for a few metals with good techniques (e.g., Cd, Cr,
Zn). The extraction of metals from the
sediments by the gut juices has been measured in a few polychaete species
(e.g., Cu, Pb, Ni, Hg). In order to
predict the likely accumulation of these metals in the polychaetes, it is
inherently assumed that the AE of these metals is comparable to the extraction
efficiency. Such assumption is based
that all the extracted metals are assimilated by the animals, and extraction
represents the maximum rate of uptake.
Thus, prediction of metal accumulation based on the extraction
efficiency can be considered as a conservative estimate of the metal
accumulation in the deposit-feeding animals.
For these animals, the maximum ingestion rate is assumed to be 200% of
the tissue dry weight each day (Cammen 1980, Wang et al. 1999). The influx rate of the metals from ingested
sediments is then calculated using Eq. 7.
To predict the accumulation of
organic contaminants such as PAH and PCBs, again the approach of BSAF is
used. In these calculations, the lipid
content of the animals and the organic carbon content of the sediments are also
considered. The BSAFs of PAHs (0.2) and
PCBs (0.68) have been quantified in marine polychaetes in several previous
studies (Maruya et al. 1997, Kaag et al. 1997), and these measurements were
based on the lipid content and the sediment organic carbon content. To convert these values for the total
sediments and the whole individual animal, it is assumed that the organic
carbon content in the sediment is 2% and the lipid content of the polychaetes
is 1.6% (Maruya et al. 1997). These
predictions are shown in Table 2.4.
Table 2.42.3 The predicted COC
concentrations in the polychaetes
as a result of uptake from sediments.
AE: assimilation efficiency, IR: ingestion rate, ke:
efflux rate constant, BSAF: Biota-sediment bioaccumulation factor.
COCs |
Elevated concentration
in sediment (mg kg-1) |
AExIR/ke |
Concentration in
Polychaetes (mg kg-1) |
East of Sha Chau |
10.335 |
0.25 |
2.58375 |
1.32 |
1 |
1.32000 |
Cr |
43.633 |
0.5 |
21.81650 |
27.007 |
1 |
27.00700 |
24.666 |
0.5 |
12.33300 |
0.309 |
2 |
0.61800 |
7.373 |
0.5 |
3.68650 |
0.339 |
0.5 |
0.16950 |
60.936 |
1 |
60.93600 |
1.047 |
0.2 |
0.20940 |
3.248 |
0.2 |
0.64960 |
PCBs |
0.059 |
0.68 |
0.04012 |
South Brothers |
7.654 |
0.25 |
1.91361 |
0.978 |
1 |
0.97754 |
Cr |
32.316 |
0.5 |
16.15823 |
20.003 |
1 |
20.00304 |
18.269 |
0.5 |
9.13455 |
0.229 |
2 |
0.45736 |
5.461 |
0.5 |
2.73031 |
0.251 |
0.5 |
0.12565 |
45.132 |
1 |
45.13248 |
0.775 |
0.2 |
0.15505 |
2.406 |
0.2 |
0.48118 |
PCBs |
0.044 |
0.68 |
0.02969 |
Note: AEs
of Cd, Cr, Zn: Wang et al. (2002). Extraction
of Cu, Pb, and Ni: Peng et al. (submitted, Chemosphere). Extraction of Hg: Lawrence et al.
1999. Assuming that
extraction=assimilation, ke=0.02 d-1, and IR=2 g g-1
d-1. BSAF of PAHs from
Maruya et al. (1997). BSAF of PCBs
from Kaag et al. (1997). |
To predict the likely COC
concentrations in the predatory fish, crabs, and shrimps, the trophic transfer
factor is used (Eq. 9). Specifically,
the TTF is the ratio of COC concentrations in the predator to those in the
preys. The TTF has been measured in a
few specific predator-prey systems, but the data are relatively scattered. Suedel et al. (1994) have summarized the TTF
of COCs in aquatic ecosystems; these values are then used in the model
calculation. To predict the
concentration in the predatory fish, the prey fish is assumed. To predict the COC concentrations in the
crabs and shrimps, the prey polychaetes are assumed. The COC concentrations in the prey fish and in the polychaetes
are referred from the model calculations, again assuming that the COCs are
accumulation in the prey fish from the dissolved phase (due to desorption), and
in the prey polychaetes from the ingested sediments (due to contaminated
sediment deposition). Table 2.5
shows the model predictions.
2.52.4 The predicted COC
concentrations in the predators as a result of trophic transfer from the[prey species. TTF = Trophic Transfer Factor. Empty Cells are when no data are present
COCs |
TTF in fish |
TTF in crabs |
TTF in shrimps |
Elevation in fish |
Elevation in crabs |
Elevation in shrimps |
Ambient in fish |
Ambient in crabs |
Ambient in shrimps |
Total in fish |
Total in crabs |
Total in shrimps |
kg-1) |
kg-1) |
kg-1) |
kg-1) |
kg-1) |
kg-1) |
kg-1) |
kg-1) |
kg-1) |
East of Sha Chau |
0.25 |
0.25 |
0.25 |
0.00135681 |
0.645938 |
0.645938 |
3.053377 |
4.11 |
3.493084 |
3.054734 |
4.757049 |
4.139022 |
0.1 |
0.01 |
2.4 |
0.00002272 |
0.0132 |
3.168 |
0.017039 |
0.42 |
0.312122 |
0.017062 |
0.432089 |
3.480122 |
Cr |
0.7 |
0.01844864 |
0.054525 |
0.10 |
0.065421 |
0.072974 |
0.098889 |
0.065421 |
0.5 |
0.04192408 |
2.318844 |
15.24 |
15.20836 |
2.360768 |
15.24444 |
15.20836 |
0.7 |
0.00568568 |
0.110494 |
0.14 |
0.081132 |
0.11618 |
0.143889 |
0.081132 |
0.4 |
0.8 |
0.8 |
0.00540736 |
0.4944 |
0.4944 |
0.031622 |
0.02 |
0.01463 |
0.037029 |
0.511067 |
0.50903 |
0.7 |
0.0031808 |
0.053939 |
0.29 |
0.162308 |
0.05712 |
0.29 |
0.162308 |
0.5 |
0.00137 |
0.026389 |
0.29 |
0.217999 |
0.027759 |
0.287778 |
0.217999 |
1 |
1.2 |
0.7 |
0.053676 |
73.1232 |
42.6552 |
8.9993 |
21.30 |
17.02486 |
9.052976 |
94.4232 |
59.68006 |
0.2 |
0.2 |
0.2 |
0.04188 |
0.04188 |
0.025 |
0.025 |
0.025 |
0.025 |
0.06688 |
0.06688 |
0.2 |
0.2 |
0.2 |
0.12992 |
0.12992 |
0.075 |
0.075 |
0.075 |
0.075062 |
0.20492 |
0.20492 |
PCBs |
4 |
1.2 |
1.2 |
0.00388895 |
0.048144 |
0.048144 |
0.008361 |
0.00 |
0.004919 |
0.01225 |
0.052366 |
0.053063 |
South Brothers |
3.053377 |
4.11 |
3.493084 |
3.053377 |
4.111111 |
3.493084 |
0.1 |
0.01 |
2.4 |
0.0000113 |
0.00977535 |
2.34608483 |
0.017039 |
0.42 |
0.312122 |
0.017051 |
0.428664 |
2.658207 |
Cr |
0.7 |
0.009146368 |
0.054525 |
0.10 |
0.065421 |
0.063672 |
0.098889 |
0.065421 |
0.5 |
0.020784896 |
2.318844 |
15.24 |
15.20836 |
2.339629 |
15.24444 |
15.20836 |
0.7 |
0.002818816 |
0.110494 |
0.14 |
0.081132 |
0.113313 |
0.143889 |
0.081132 |
0.4 |
0.8 |
0.8 |
0.002680832 |
0.36588469 |
0.36588469 |
0.031622 |
0.02 |
0.01463 |
0.034302 |
0.382551 |
0.380515 |
0.7 |
0.00157696 |
0.053939 |
0.29 |
0.162308 |
0.055516 |
0.29 |
0.162308 |
0.5 |
0.0001408 |
0.026389 |
0.29 |
0.217999 |
0.02653 |
0.287778 |
0.217999 |
1 |
1.2 |
0.7 |
0.0266112 |
54.1589763 |
31.5927362 |
8.9993 |
21.30 |
17.02486 |
9.025911 |
75.45898 |
48.6176 |
0.2 |
0.2 |
0.2 |
0.0310097 |
0.0310097 |
0.025 |
0.025 |
0.025 |
0.025 |
0.05601 |
0.05601 |
0.2 |
0.2 |
0.2 |
0.0962357 |
0.0962357 |
0.075 |
0.075 |
0.075 |
0.075031 |
0.171236 |
0.171236 |
PCBs |
4 |
1.2 |
1.2 |
0.001928042 |
0.0356326 |
0.0356326 |
0.008361 |
0.00 |
0.004919 |
0.010289 |
0.039855 |
0.040552 |
TTFs from Suedel et al. (1994) and USEPA (2000). |
A summary of determined body burden concentrations
from the above exercise is presented below in
3.1Table 3.1Table 3.1.
3.13.1 Summary of Body Burden
Concentration of Contaminants in the Target Species
Mg kg-1 |
Pelagic Fish |
Bivalve |
Predatory Fish |
Crab |
Shrimp |
East of
Sha Chau |
As |
1.18778 |
3.305427 |
3.054734 |
4.757049 |
4.139022 |
Cd |
0.009639 |
0.29576 |
0.017062 |
0.432089 |
3.480122 |
Cr |
0.089296 |
0.635576 |
0.072974 |
0.098889 |
0.065421 |
Cu |
2.338554 |
33.66503 |
2.360768 |
15.24444 |
15.20836 |
Pb |
0.091946 |
1.299973 |
0.11618 |
0.143889 |
0.081132 |
Hg |
0.048224 |
0.031976 |
0.037029 |
0.511067 |
0.50903 |
Ni |
0.065132 |
29.82229 |
0.05712 |
0.29 |
0.162308 |
Ag |
0.02774 |
1.8836 |
0.027759 |
0.287778 |
0.217999 |
Zn |
14.63015 |
79.09096 |
9.052976 |
94.4232 |
59.68006 |
0.025001 |
0.025001 |
0.025 |
0.06688 |
0.06688 |
0.075311 |
0.075311 |
0.075062 |
0.20492 |
0.20492 |
PCBs |
0.017913 |
0.005452 |
0.01225 |
0.052366 |
0.053063 |
Brothers |
As |
1.18504 |
3.30269 |
3.05338 |
4.11111 |
3.49308 |
Cd |
0.00952 |
0.29003 |
0.01705 |
0.42866 |
2.65821 |
Cr |
0.07601 |
0.56913 |
0.06367 |
0.09889 |
0.06542 |
Cu |
2.29628 |
33.6266 |
2.33963 |
15.2444 |
15.2084 |
Pb |
0.08785 |
1.24735 |
0.11331 |
0.14389 |
0.08113 |
Hg |
0.04141 |
0.02997 |
0.0343 |
0.38255 |
0.38052 |
Ni |
0.06284 |
29.8177 |
0.05552 |
0.29 |
0.16231 |
Ag |
0.02528 |
1.58859 |
0.02653 |
0.28778 |
0.218 |
Zn |
14.6031 |
78.2404 |
9.02591 |
75.459 |
48.6176 |
0.025 |
0.025 |
0.025 |
0.05601 |
0.05601 |
0.07515 |
0.07515 |
0.07503 |
0.17124 |
0.17124 |
PCBs |
0.01742 |
0.00496 |
0.01029 |
0.03985 |
0.04055 |
Ambient |
As |
1.182353 |
3.3 |
3.053377 |
4.111111 |
3.493084 |
Cd |
0.009412 |
0.2844 |
0.017039 |
0.418889 |
0.312122 |
Cr |
0.062941 |
0.5038 |
0.054525 |
0.098889 |
0.065421 |
Cu |
2.254706 |
33.5888 |
2.318844 |
15.24444 |
15.20836 |
Pb |
0.083824 |
1.1956 |
0.110494 |
0.143889 |
0.081132 |
Hg |
0.034706 |
0.028 |
0.031622 |
0.016667 |
0.01463 |
Ni |
0.060588 |
29.8132 |
0.053939 |
0.29 |
0.162308 |
Ag |
0.025 |
1.5548 |
0.026389 |
0.287778 |
0.217999 |
Zn |
14.57647 |
77.404 |
8.9993 |
21.3 |
17.02486 |
0.025 |
0.025 |
0.025 |
0.025 |
0.025 |
0.075 |
0.075 |
0.075 |
0.075 |
0.075 |
PCBs |
0.016941 |
0.00448 |
0.008361 |
0.004222 |
0.004919 |
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1 Bioaccumulation Assessment 1
1.1 Introduction 1
1.2 Background 1
1.3 Literature
Review of Bioaccumulation of COC 1
1.4 Selection
of Contaminants of Concern (COCs) and species for bioaccumulation assessment 4
1.5 Modeling of Contaminant Release 5
2 Detailed assessment of bioaccumulation 8
2.1 Pelagic
Fish 8
2.2 Marine
bivalves (mussels and clams) 11
2.3 Polychaete
and Other Deposit-Feeding Worms (Sipunculans). 12
2.4 Predatory
Fish, Crabs and Shrimps 13
3 Summary 15
4 References 16